
St Valentine's Day and progress!

 14 February 2024 Happy St Valentine's Day! Just a quick post today - I ran!!!! I ran I ran I ran Not far - I was Nordic Walking very fast and every 6 minutes I did 45 secs of running (OK, it was a shuffle, but in my head I was running!).  Heart fine so far! Also this week I rode my road bike (not the electric one) and it was nowhere near as bad as my first ride a few weeks back, when I was exhausted afterwards.  So that's good. AND (there is no end to the excitement!) I rowed WITHOUT any fast heart rate or ectopic beats!! I'm still feeling fat and lardy.  I'm also a bit shocked at how unfit I am - I think I thought, because I recovered quicker this time, I'd be less unfit, but then 17 weeks without running is 17 weeks without running - it's irrelevant that 17 is less than my previous average ablation to run time of 25 weeks - it's still ages!!!  I've also been punching the punchbag (needed it after dealing with office politics and idiocy), using the Max...

Recovery from ablation number FOUR

  Update January 2025 Well, progress was about the same for the other three ablations to begin with, although I was set back at least a week by all that drama in October (nearly died!   See my previous blog!!).   I was able to do things like Pilates and yoga a bit quicker than before but that may have been due to confidence rather than any physical recovery as such.   My walking was terrible as usual – it was nearly seven weeks before I managed to walk a mile which was several weeks slower than after the others which was really disappointing.   Instead, I used my electric bike a bit although progress was slow to begin with (as usual, sigh). After about 11 weeks though, my recovery just sped up.   I managed to walk two miles just 12 days after I finally conquered one; three miles came just six days later and four miles a few days after that.   And it felt much more like a normal speed than before.   I was thinking that I would soon be out on my...

Recovery from Ablation #4 - and some major drama!

  Recovery from Ablation number four 16 October 2024 – And so I’d had the famous Pulsed-Field Ablation – promising faster recovery! Plus this time I went into this pretty fit – I had trained hard as I could all year – got super fit in the spring, then missed two months with whooping cough, hiking in the summer, three weeks off for my nose op and then trained like a loon for three weeks! The ablation was as described in my previous post.   The first week was as usual – felt drowsier and more lethargic than I had recalled.   I had all wild plans to STUDY! REVISE GERMAN! AND FRENCH! AND ITALIAN! FINISH MY ON-LINE ADVANCED SPORTS MASSAGE COURSE! UPDATE MY BLOG! DO SOME WRITING! PLAY THE PIANO! In the event I managed a bit of reading, knitted some teddy bears and a bit of a jigsaw puzzle.     No energy to do more. Slept badly like I always do after an ablation – my shins were just killing me – I’m not sure if this is some sort of referred sciatic pain ...