
Showing posts from July, 2020

Getting over a cryo-ablation - report at two months post-procedure (JULY 2020)

Cryoablation two months on This might be helpful for someone recovering from this same operation especially if they were previously pretty fit and sporty and looking to get back into that healthy way of life. I found it really difficult to find out much information for the younger (comparatively!), fitter person – everything seemed to veer between basically giving up everything or people who were back running after three weeks (scary!). So following on from my last report after one month, the second month started very well. I was able to add more weight training (toning stuff, nothing heavy); more pilates as well as keeping up my yoga and physio exercises for my back. BUT I was still really struggling with the walking. I eventually managed to walk 2.2 miles with a few stops, but it was hard. Breathing was fine, but my legs were just heavy as if I was wearing ankle weights. I contacted the wonderful arrythmia nurses at Royal Papworth and they said that all was fine, just to give i