
Showing posts from October, 2020

Getting over a cryo-ablation - four and a bit months post procedure (OCT 2020)

4-and-a-bit-month Post Ablation Update So, I've been posting this to help all the sport loving folks out there see what they might expect post-ablation. So just after three months I began to feel much better - I'm now doing all the weight-training, yoga and pilates I was able to do before. I can also walk up to five miles with little problem, which is kind of as much as I would walk in every day life anyway (further on hiking holidays, obviously, but no chance of that any time soon due to this flipping Covid situation). Cardiovascular/endurance exercise-wise, I've not advanced much this month - I can ride my ebike (have been as much as 17 miles), did one ride of four miles on my human-powered mountain bike (hard work) and just begun a few tentative goes on a Concept II rowing machine. BUT some of the slowness of this recovery is due to three things: 1. I had a cold for a week 2. I managed to hurt my hip and so missed another week 3. If I do too much too close togeth