
Showing posts from May, 2021

Adventures of A Racing Heart - Afib Adventures Number 5 and 6 (APRIL 2021)

AFib number 5 and 6 So, on Easter Sunday (April 2021), a mere 32 days later, I AGAIN woke up in AFib.   I AGAIN took the two big doses of Flecainide, I AGAIN went back to sleep and I AGAIN had to present myself at Addenbrookes, where they AGAIN decided an immediate DCCV was in my best interests!   Talk about Groundhog Day! And they doubled my flecainide from 50 mg x twice per day to 100 mg twice per day. Felt a bit worse after this one, I suppose that was the effect of two ‘zappings’ so close together.   I contacted the secretary of my Electrocardiologist at Papworth and she said I would be moved up to “Priority One” and “should” be seen within four weeks.   I was to chase the booking office after two weeks.   This I did only to discover that   I was NOT on the urgent list – therefore, I had to chase the secretary again, who said I definitely WAS!   So, I began to realise that the four weeks was just a ‘best case scenario’ and that it could be several months of waiting. Bea

Adventures of a Racing Heart - Afib Adventure number 4 (MARCH 2021)

Adventures of A Racing Heart – AFib 4!  So, following on from my last post – I had just started getting over that mystery Lethargy-cum-Virus-cum-Fatigue (frustratingly, by doing NO exercise at all, AGAIN!) when I had the good fortune to be invited for my first Covid-19 vaccination in March 2021.   I was a bit earlier than most people in my age group because of the heart condition. That was an amazing efficient and pleasant experience with marvellously friendly staff and volunteers.    Well done to Britain’s NHS (National Health Service) – although, mysteriously, the Government seemed to have taken all the credit for how well that has been done! Then in the middle of the night, I woke up in AFib.   My heart felt like it was trying to break out of my ribcage.   It was odd, because I had often had palpitations and periods of tachycardia following my Ablation in May 2020 and, naturally enough, panicked that they were AFib.   But when the Big Baddy actually arrived, I could feel t