September 2022
The Athlete part of the title is finally coming true - I'm running again. It's really feeble - I'm following the old style Couch to 5k which I have used many times before, but progress is almost non-existant. I started with 1 min run/2 min walk and have now got to 1.5 min run/45 sec walk. It's killing me! Some of the running intervals are at 13 min miles pace! I should be delighted that I am back running but instead I am hating how hard it is. And now I have a terrible cold and feel awful so that's a week or so off. To be frank, I'm pretty fed up. It's completely irrational - I've had 20 visits to hospital (15 of them emergency admissions) in just over three years and here I am feeling depressed because running is so hard! In fact, the reason running is so hard IS because I have spent so much time in hospital in the last three years. So I need to cut myself some slack. I'm feeling forgotten too, by family and friends - they are bored with my ...