Recovery from ablation number FOUR
Update January 2025 Well, progress was about the same for the other three ablations to begin with, although I was set back at least a week by all that drama in October (nearly died! See my previous blog!!). I was able to do things like Pilates and yoga a bit quicker than before but that may have been due to confidence rather than any physical recovery as such. My walking was terrible as usual – it was nearly seven weeks before I managed to walk a mile which was several weeks slower than after the others which was really disappointing. Instead, I used my electric bike a bit although progress was slow to begin with (as usual, sigh). After about 11 weeks though, my recovery just sped up. I managed to walk two miles just 12 days after I finally conquered one; three miles came just six days later and four miles a few days after that. And it felt much more like a normal speed than before. I was thinking that I would soon be out on my...