
Showing posts from August, 2020

Getting over a cryo-ablation - three month post procedure (AUG 2020)

Three month post-ablation report This might help some people to know what to expect on the fitness side... Finally! Some improvement! I had been struggling to walk more than a mile but now I can walk up to 4.5 with rests or 2.2 non-stop!! Legs get a bit jellyfied if I go too quickly but I think that is lack of fitness! I've been riding my ebike on the lowest setting and have done up to 14 miles like that. I still have to be careful of doing too much on consecutive days so because I have been doing more cardiovascular stuff I have cut back on the weights and pilates but continued the yoga! If I do too much I have days of quite bad fatigue. Struggled in that heat in August, I'm not usually affected so much by it, but I expect it was all connected. Sleep is still erratic at times, that may be the amiodorane. I hope to come off that when I have my three month review. I also hope to be able to drink (in moderation) again then as I miss my Friday night wine and holiday ci