Getting over a cryo-ablation - a sudden panic (AND A BIKE CRASH!) at about five-and-a-half months post procedure (NOV 2020)

A sudden panic after 5.5 months AND A BIKE CRASH!


Help!!!! This was all going well and I was 95 percent back to full vigour and life, when Thursday I suddenly got a fast heart rate. This has happened before but formerly for about a minute or a lot less. This time it last 30 mins with me taking 100 mcg of flecainide as instructed after 15 mins. Nothing major since.

It's thrown me into a total tailspin, happening so long after the ablation. Though I've only been off amiadarone for 5.5 weeks.

I can't face the thought of another ablation followed by yet another six months of 'cripple' life. I've had that for the last 16 months!!!!! I'm being so feeble about this, but I'm so depressed and scared by it.....

 Actually, thinking about it a few days later I wonder if it was triggered by a hefty fall I had on my bike last week? It was 5 days before the first tachy episode. Several friends have said it might have been triggered by the crash, is that possible? Actually, it seems like everything and anything and nothing is possible with afib?!

I'm fine, by the way, just a raw elbow and lots of sore bits and a colourfully bruised elbow. Could have been very nasty and my fault completely (braked too hard and locked front brake and skidded). Boy, that floor ain't arf got hard since I was a kid! It was soooooooo painful 😫



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