
Showing posts from February, 2025

St Valentine's Day and progress!

 14 February 2024 Happy St Valentine's Day! Just a quick post today - I ran!!!! I ran I ran I ran Not far - I was Nordic Walking very fast and every 6 minutes I did 45 secs of running (OK, it was a shuffle, but in my head I was running!).  Heart fine so far! Also this week I rode my road bike (not the electric one) and it was nowhere near as bad as my first ride a few weeks back, when I was exhausted afterwards.  So that's good. AND (there is no end to the excitement!) I rowed WITHOUT any fast heart rate or ectopic beats!! I'm still feeling fat and lardy.  I'm also a bit shocked at how unfit I am - I think I thought, because I recovered quicker this time, I'd be less unfit, but then 17 weeks without running is 17 weeks without running - it's irrelevant that 17 is less than my previous average ablation to run time of 25 weeks - it's still ages!!!  I've also been punching the punchbag (needed it after dealing with office politics and idiocy), using the Max...