St Valentine's Day and progress!
14 February 2024
Happy St Valentine's Day!
Just a quick post today - I ran!!!!
I ran
I ran
I ran
Not far - I was Nordic Walking very fast and every 6 minutes I did 45 secs of running (OK, it was a shuffle, but in my head I was running!). Heart fine so far!
Also this week I rode my road bike (not the electric one) and it was nowhere near as bad as my first ride a few weeks back, when I was exhausted afterwards. So that's good.
AND (there is no end to the excitement!) I rowed WITHOUT any fast heart rate or ectopic beats!!
I'm still feeling fat and lardy. I'm also a bit shocked at how unfit I am - I think I thought, because I recovered quicker this time, I'd be less unfit, but then 17 weeks without running is 17 weeks without running - it's irrelevant that 17 is less than my previous average ablation to run time of 25 weeks - it's still ages!!!
I've also been punching the punchbag (needed it after dealing with office politics and idiocy), using the Maxiclimber (a cheap and cheerful version of the Versaclimber) and Reebox Step aerobics. None of it very strenuously or for very long but it still counts. Oh, and I'm back to work teaching exercise classes which is lovely.
A week of hiking this week and hopefully plenty of sleep to as I am rather tired.
Then my next BIG obstacle - coming off the Amiodarone at the beginning of April (fills me with dread!).
Take care and keep moving
Told you, you amazing. A very strong horse. I would have crumbled with what you have been through. xx